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The Best day of my life!

The Revenge of Red: Hamtaro's Twin Brother!

Chapter 1: An Evil Plot

(At a meeting of evil hamsters)

Spat: That Hamtaro and those rotten Ham-Hams have got to go!

????: I agree! They always mess up our plans!

Spat: But how do we get rid of them?

????: I heard that the Ham-Hams Maxwell and Panda are supposed to help them make a rocket to explore space.

Spat: How did you find that out?

????: Spying on them! HAHAHAHA!

????: How could we get rid of them? Aha! It's so evil! HAHAHAHA! We give those stupid Ham-Hams Maxwell and Panda amnesia, then we convince them that they are supposed to build the rocket for us, and then we blast them into space!

Spat: That sounds very evil! Get rid of those stupid Ham-Hams forever!

(This sounds bad for the Ham-Hams! Hopefully they will not get Maxwell or Panda!)

Chapter 2: Maxwell Has Amnesia!

(The mysterious hamster hides and waits for Maxwell.)

Maxwell: I'd better hurry and get to the clubhouse! I need to help make the rocket!

????: HAHAHAHA! Maxwell, you will soon be helping us get rid of the Ham-Hams and yourself!

(Maxwell passes by where the hamster is standing)

????: HAHAHAHA! (He throws the rock)

(The rock smacks maxwell in the head! "THUD!" He falls down to the ground.)

(While the hamster is approaching, Sandy comes up.)

????: Darn you stupid Sandy! (He flees the scene.)

Sandy: Maxwell, like what are you doing on the ground? (Maxwell wakes up)

Maxwell: Who's Maxwell?

Sandy: Are you feeling ok, Max?

Maxwell: Who's Maxwell? Ouchichichi! My head hurts!

Sandy: Let me look at that! (She looks at the bump where the rock hit) Oh, no! It looks like you got hit with a rock!

Maxwell: What's a rock?

(Sandy falls down)


Maxwell: Why are you shouting?

Sandy: Just forget it! Come with me!

(She takes him to the clubhouse)

Sandy: Ham-Hams! Maxwell is like, acting weird! He doesn't know who he is and he doesn't know what a rock is!

Hamtaro: Heke? He doesn't know who he is? Hmm... This sounds familiar. I think I heard Laura call it amnesium?

Oxnard: I don't think that's what it is called. But it does sound familiar. Hamtaro, you don't think it's...?

Hamtaro: Oxy, I think you're right! Ham-Hams I believe it's my evil twin brother, Red!

All Ham-Hams (except Hamtaro and Oxnard): You have a twin brother, Hamtaro?!

Hamtaro: Yep-P! But, I am not too proud of it. He is very evil!

All Ham-Hams: Evil?! Not another evil ham!

(Could this be Red, Hamtaro's evil twin? Let's hope it isn't!)

Chapter 3: Panda Has Amnesia!

Hamtaro: Is Panda here, yet?

Other Ham-Hams: We haven't seen him!

(Meanwhile, Panda is going to the clubhouse. The mysterious hamster is lurking near!)

????: HAHAHAHA! You will not get away, Panda!

(He throws a rock at Panda. It hits him on the head!)

Panda: What happened?

????: Come with me, Panda!

Panda: Get your slimy paws off of me you creep!

???? (Thinking): This amnesia has really changed his attitude!

Panda: Get away from me stupid! (He pushes the hamster back)

(Meanwhile, at the clubhouse.)

Boss: Do you think, we should look for him?

Hamtaro: Yes! He didn't say he wasn't going to be here!

Boss: OK! Let's go!

(The Ham-Hams leave the clubhouse.)

All Ham-Hams: Panda! Where are you?

Panda: Who are you creeps yelling for?

All Ham-Hams: It's Panda!

Panda: Who's Panda?

(The Ham-Hams fall down.)

Hamtaro: What do you mean who's Panda? You are!

Panda: No I'm not you creep!

Hamtaro: What did you call me?

Hamtaro (Thinking): Fist Maxwell, now Panda. What's going on?

Boss: Quick! Grab Panda and get to the clubhouse!

????: Crud!!! Why is it those stupid Ham-Hams keep coming up?!?!?!?!

(Now Panda has amnesia! Also he has a bad attitude! Will the Ham-Hams save Maxwell and Panda?)

Chapter 4: Maxwell and Panda Are Missing!

Boss: What the heck is going on?

Hamtaro: Boss, it's getting late. We have to go. Also, we have to take Maxwell and Panda home!

Boss: Ok. Bye-Q!

(The next day.)

(Hamtaro bursts into the clubhouse.)

Hamtaro: Ham-Hams! Maxwell and Panda are missing from their homes!

All Ham-Hams: GASP-P!!!

(Bijou comes to the clubhouse.)

Bijou: Sorry I wasn't here yesterday, Ham-Hams!

Hamtaro: Bijou, you will never guess what happened yesterday!

Bijou: Heke?

Hamtaro: Maxwell and Panda were hit by a rock and acted funny! They didn't know who they were!

Bijou: They have amnesia!

Hamtaro: I was close! Now we can't find them!

Boss: We think it's Hamtaro's evil twin brother, Red.

Bijou: Red?

(Suddenly a hamster bursts into the clubhouse!)

????: That's right, Hamtaro! It's me, Red! HAHAHAHA!

(It was Red this whole time! What is he up to?)

Chapter 5: Maxwell and Panda Are In Danger!

Red: Want to know why I gave your two friends amnesia?

Hamtaro: Shut up! You are so stupid! Why are you doing this?

Red: I was about to tell, you, Stupidtaro!

Bijou: Nobody calls him Stupidtaro! (She charges after Red.)

Hamtaro: Bijou! Wait!

(Bijou stops.)

Bijou: Ok! But don't you ever call him that again or.....

Red: Or what? You throw your ribbons at me? Oh, I'm so scared!

Hamtaro: Ignore that idiot, Bijou!

Red: Now I won't tell you!

Hamtaro: Tell us what? Where you hid them?

Red: Nope! I'm not telling you that I hid them in the playground below the swingset!

Hamtaro: HA! Thanks, Red! You've always fallen for that one!

Boss; Ham-Hams! Move out!

(They dig around the swingset.)

Ham-Hams: Digdig digdig!

Boss: I've hit something!

Hamtaro: That's where they are at!

(The Ham-Hams have found Red's hideout. But, are they too late?)

Chapter 6: Maxwell and Panda Are Rescued! The Ham-Hams Get Tricked!

Stan: This is it? It looks like a dump!

Hamtaro: Keep looking Ham-Hams! They've got to be here some where!

Red's Voice: HAHAHAHA! Hamtaro, you fell right into my trap!

(Red pulls a lever. The Ham-Hams, including Maxwell and Panda, fall through a trap door.)

Hamtaro: Let's try to get rid of Maxwell's and Panda's amnesia! But, how?

Bijou: I heard Maria say amnesia could be cured with another hit on the head!

Hamtaro: Let's find something to hit them on the head with!

(They search and search and find nothing.)

Boss: What about my shovel? Wouldn't it work?

Hamtaro and Bijou: It sure would! Now hit them on the head!

Boss: Here goes nothing! Sorry, guys! ("BONK" The shovel hits them!)

Maxwell and Panda: Heke? Where am I?

Hamtaro: You had amnesia! We need help getting out of here!

(Maxwell looks areound)

Maxwell: Hey, Panda! Could you make a ladder out of those sticks?

Panda: Sure can!

(Panda starts building the ladder!)

Panda: It's done! Climb up!

(The Ham-Hams climb out!)

Red: HAHAHAHA! I knew you would climb out! That's why I set another trap!

(A rocket suddenly covers the Ham-Hams!)

Hamtaro: Oh, no!

Red: HAHAHAHA! 3....2....1....BLAST OFF!

(The rocket takes off into space)

To Be Continued!

(Will the Ham-Hams get stuck in space? Find out in my next fanfic, The Ham-Hams Are Trapped In Space!)

The Ham-Hams Are Trapped In Space! Their Journey Through Time!

Chapter 1: No escape!

Maxwell: Oh, no! We've been tricked and launched into space!

Boss: Couldn't you use the controls to steer it?

Maxwell: I have tried! It's been sabotaged!

All Ham-Hams: Gasp-P!

Hamtaro: Does that mean we're stuck up here?

Panda: I'm afraid so, unless one of us comes up with a solution!

Oxnard: I'm scared! What about food?!

Bijou: Hey, look! Some food is hidden behind this door!

Maxwell: We need to save that food!

Panda: Maxwell, help me fix the controls!

Maxwell: I'll try!

(They work for hours and hours! The Ham-Hams start to get bored.)

Hamtaro: I'm getting bored!

Maxwell: Aha! It's done!

(All the Ham-Hams jump so high, that they hit their heads!)

Ham-Hams: Ouchichichi!

Panda: Watch it! Maxwell, do you know how to control this rocket?

Maxwell: I think so.

Oxnard: Why are we moving backwards really fast?

Maxwell: Oh, no! It's a black hole!!!!

(Will the Ham-Hams get trapped in the black hole?)

Chapter 2: Stuck In A Black Hole-Or Time Travel?

Maxwell: Oh, no! If we can't move fast enough, it will suck us in!!!!!

Panda: How can we move faster?

Maxwell: I don't know.

Oxnard: We're gonna die!

Boss and Hamtaro: No we're not! We might make it if we try!

(Suddenly, the Ham-Hams get sucked through the black hole!)

Hamtaro: Heke? Why does the clock say 12:00 P.M Moday? That's before you guys acted weird, Panda!

Maxwell: That black hole must have sent us back through time!

Boss: If we hurry, we'll be able to stop Red before he tricks us! Boy, this is creepy!

Sandy: Is this, like, possible? Or is it a dream?

Maxwell: I'm just as confused as you are!

Hamtaro: Quick, let's get to Earth!

Ham-Hams: Right! To Earth!

(They make it to Earth.)

Boss: Quick! There's not much time!

(They go to Red's hideout.)

Red: I hate that Hamtaro! Even when I was young, I hated him! He took my girlfriend!

Hamtaro: Heke? That's why he hates me? What a baby!

Hamtaro: Hey Red!

Red: Heke? How did you get here?!

Hamtaro: We're from the future!

(They have found out why Red hates Hamtaro! Will they be able to save themselves?)

Chapter 3: Red Must Die!

Red: Impossible!

Hamtaro: Oh, yeah? You plan to make us fall through a trapdoor, and then we climb out and get tricked into a rocket ship! Well, guess what? We get sucked through a black hole and travel through time!


Hamtaro: You baby! This is all because I took your girlfriend when we were little! I heard you1

Hamtaro: Red, you leave me with inly one choice. I don't want to do it, but it must be done! I will kill you!

(He draws out a sword.)

Red: No you won't! (He flees)

Hamtaro: Chicken! Red's a chicken!

Red: Am not! That's it!

(He draws out a sword, too.)

Hamtaro: Ham-Hams! Get away from here, now!

(The Ham-Hams leave!)

(The sword fight continues with the loud sound of swords banging with each other, until....)

Red: Ouchichichi! (He falls over, dead.)

Hamtaro: Sorry, Red. But you might have kiled us all!

(Whoa! Hamtaro had to kill his own brother! Will this affect him in any way?)

Chapter 4: On the Way Home

(As soon as Red was dead, the Ham-Hams suddenly found themselves in the rocket traveling through the black hole to the present time!)

Hamtaro: I-I-I can't believe I had to kill Red!

(Hamtaro starts crying.)

Oxnard: It's ok! You saved us all! You're a hero!

Boss: He probably would have killed us, you know.

Hamtaro: Yeah, I know. That's why I killed him. But, I wish I didn't! I wish he could come back someday and would be a good ham! Oh, well. What's done is done and you can't undo it!

Maxwell: Thanks for saving us, Hamtaro.

All other Ham-Hams: Yeah thanks, Hamtaro! You saved us!

(Suddenly a white light flashes and they see Earth!)

All Ham-Hams shouting: YAY! WE'RE HOME!

Boss: Hamtaro, we owe you our lives!

Hamtaro: It was nothing, Boss. I just wish I didn't have to kill him!

(It seems Hamtaro doesn't appear very happy!)

Chapter 5: The Return of Red?

Oxnard: I'm sure it will be ok, Hamtaro! Come on join the party! It's your party anyway.

Hamtaro: No, thanks, Oxy. I'm not feeling well.

Boss: He must be depressed.

Bijou: Hamtaro! Care to dance?

Boss: What?! No, way!

Hamtaro: No, thanks.

Boss: Whew!

(Suddenly an explosion comes from outside the clubhouse!)

Hamtaro: What was that?

Red: It was me!

Hamtaro: I t-t-t thought y-y-y you were d-d-d-d dead?!

Red: I was! I understand why you killed me, Hamtaro. Thanks! You taught me a lesson!

Hamtaro: Heke?

Red: Now let's party!

Hamtaro: Ok!

(So, Red has came back and is no longer evil!) I winder what became of Spat?)

Spat: Hamha? Red? Are you here? Why that double-crossing little.....

The End!

Red is Brainwashed! Red's Evil Has Returned!
Chapter 1: An Unexpected Visitor!

(The Ham-Hams are deciding what to do when a knock comes from the door)

All Ham-Hams: Come in!

Hamtaro: It's Sabu!

Sabu: Hamha Hamtaro!

(There was something strange about Sabu! His eyes were red like an evil look!)

Hamtaro: Sabu, you look different!

Sabu: Never mind that...(notices Red) Heke? Am I seeing double?

Hamtaro: No, this is my twin brother, Red.

Sabu: Hamha, Red. I'm Sabu

Red: Hamha, Sabu.

Hamtaro: Want to know how we found Red?

Sabu: Sure!

(Hamtaro explains how they met Red.)

Sabu (thinking): So, Red was once evil! When I'm done with him, he will be 3 times as evil as he once was! HAHAHAHA!

(What tricks does Sabu have up his sleeve? He was once good! It doesn't sound good for Red!)

To Be Continued!

Chapter 2: Red is Brainwashed!

Hamtaro: Heke? What's so funny, Sabu?

Sabu: Oh, nothing, Hamtaro.

Boss: Hey, Ham-Hams! How about we go outside and play?

All Ham-Hams: Sure!

(As the Ham-Hams head outside, Sabu stops Red.)

Red: What's wrong, Sabu?

Sabu: Oh, nothing. I just wanted to show you something!

Red: Heke? Oh, ok.

(Sabu takes out some kinnd of weird object and it emits a lot of colorful lights.)

Red:.....I am your's to command, Master!

Sabu: Good! Good! HAHAHAHAHA! Red is under my control!

Red: What do you want me to do, Master?

Sabu: You will be 3 times as evil as you once were! Also, when around the Ham-Hams, call me Sabu instead of Master!

Red: As you wish, Master!

Sabu: Red, you will go out there and hit the Ham-Hams and do everything else to them that you want! Even kill them!

Red: As you wish, Mast....(A voice interrupted Red.)

????: No! You must not kill the Ham-Hams, got it?! They must stay alive!

Sabu: As you wish, Master!

Sabu: Red, you must not kill the Ham-Hams! Do anything else to them! Just don't kill them!

Red: As you wish, Master!

(Is Sabu also brainwashed? And what is this mysterious hamster's plans for the Ham-Hams?)

To Be Continued!

Chapter 3: Red Brainwashes the Ham-Hams!

Sabu: Here Red, you might need this! HAHAHAHA! (He hands Red the object he used to brainwash Red.)

Red: Thank-Q, Master! HAHAHAHA!

(Red heads to the clubhouse.)

Hamtaro: Hey, Oxy! We nneed to head home! Laura and Konna are leaving, remember?

Oxnard: Hey, that's right!

Hamtaro and Oxnard: Bye-Q everyone!

Other Ham-Hams: Bye-Q!

(As Hamtaro and Oxnard leave, Red shows up at the clubhouse.)

Ham-Hams: Hamha Red!

(Red didn't answer.)

Boss: Are you ok, Red? You don't look too good.

Red: Shut up!

Ham-Hams: Gasp-P!

(Red drops the object Sabu gave hime and it emits lights,)

Red: Ham-Hams, you will obey me and Sabu!

Ham-Hams: Yes, Master!

Red: You will hate each other and fight with each other all the time!

Ham-Hams: Yes, Mater!

Boss: I hate you, Bijou!

Bijou: I hate you more!

(The Ham-Hams start fighting.)

Red: HAHAHAHAHA! My plan is working!

(At Hamtaro's house.)

Hamtaro: Oxnard, I don't know about you, but I got a feeling that the Ham-Hams are in trouble.

Oxnard: Me, too. Think we should escape?

Hamtaro: We can't! We are leaving with Laura and Konna, remember?

Laura's Dad: Laura, I don't think you should bring the hamsters. It might be dangerous!

Hamtaro and Oxnard: Yep-P!

(Once Lauara and Konna put them away, Hamtaro and Oxnard escape!)

To Be Continued!

Chapter 4: Hamtaro and Oxnard to the Rescue!

Hamtaro: Hurry, Oxy! We gotta get to the clubhouse!

Hamtaro and Oxnard: Baddabadda...

(They soon make it to the clubhouse and find the Ham-Hams fighting each other!)

Oxnard: Uhh...What's going on?

Hamtaro: I have no idea.

Oxnard: Is that Boss and Bijou fighting?!

Hamtaro: Hey, it is! Somthing is going on here! Oh, no! Could it be....?

Oxnard: What?

Hamtaro: They've been brainwashed!!!

Oxnard: GASP-P!!!

Hamtaro: I wonder how we could free them?

Oxnard: Wouldn't we have to find out who did this to them?

Hamtaro: Yep-P. Oxnard, did you notice Sabu has been acting differently lately?!

Oxnard: Yep-P. I thought I was going crazy!

Hamtaro: I bet Sabu did it!

Oxnard: Let's find him!

(They search for Sabu, and never found him.)

Hamtaro: What do we do? We have to be going home soon!

(Suddenly Hamtaro starts hiffing.)

Hamtaro: Hiff hiff. Hiff hiff. I smell someone. I know! It's Sabu!

Sabu: Right you are, Hamtaro!

Oxnard: What have you done to our friends?

Sabu: Heke?

Hamtaro: Don't play dumb! You brainwashed them, didn't you!

Sabu: I bet Red did it. I brainwashed him earlier! HAHAHAHA!

Hamtaro: Sabu, I think you have been brainwashed too!

Sabu: No, duh!

(So, Hamtaro and Oxnard know about Sabu getting brainwashed and that Red is brainwahsed! Will they save the Ham-Hams in time?)

To Be Continued!

Here is what the award looks like

FAn Fics.The Heros of the ham-hams From Pepper

One day Oxnard&Pepper were walking around when bijou was screaming for
help.Hamtaro was chasing
She screamed.
Oxnard&Pepper wacthed her Disapeer into a moutin.Hamtaro said
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!And started crying.Well help
U!Oxnard&Pepper Said.U will!Ok lets go!Hamtaro said.They started to climb the
moutin.They reached the top.There was a steal door.They started to tugie that
didnt work.ILL BE RIGHT BACK!Hamtaro yelled.He left.Then he came back with fire
works stand back!Boom!THe door fell.YES!THey said.THey tiptoed into the
moutin.THey saw a ham wizord!Bijou was asleep in a countainer.HE WAS USING HER
TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD!To be coutinued.

Spat's Revenge
One Day Hamtaro&Bijou Was Walking to the Clubhouse.Harmony was back!She told
them that was back!!!!He wanted revenge!!!He wanted to meet them in Iraq.They
were worried.Harmony said shell look out for them.TThen they axepted the
request.They left the clubhouse.They traveled for days they came across a
wishing well.They wished for a mega fast magic carpet!POOF!!!wish granted!They
zoomed across
the sea.They zoomed to Iraq!They walked for days.They saw a castle!They walked
up into it.AND THERE WAS SPAT!!!!!!HE WAS READY FOR BATTTLE!!!A mystic ham came
out of nowhere gave Hamtaro a powerful sowrd!Spat got out an evil sord.They
fought until Hamtaro slashed his head off.The journy was over!The amazing
Hamtaro&Bijou Saved the world!!!

I woke up one morning and Laura had already gone to school. "I missed Laura
this morning," I said. "Oh well, there's always tomorrow. How long has she
been gone?" I ate my sunflower seeds and alfalfa and left my carrier. I went
down the drainpipe and landed on Brandy (Brandy's my dog.). "Hamha, Brandy," I
said. "Oowaa," Brandy replied. I went over to Oxnard over at the tunnel
leading to the clubhouse. Oxnard was holding a cardboard box. "Wow!" I
exclaimed. "Are you going to chew it up by yourself or may I help?" Never!
This is my secret box!" Oxnard uproared. "I thought we always shared secrets,"
I murmured. "Not this one!" Oxnard replied.
Oxnard and I walked to the clubhouse. I kept on trying to get him to tell
me what was inside. "I'll never tell!" Oxnard yelled and ran for the clubhouse.
I was going to find out what was in that box no matter what would happen!
"Wow," Boss said to me when I got into the clubhouse. "Oxy's keeping his
first secret." "Have you been able to keep secrets, Boss?" I asked him. "Uh,
nope. I'm Virgo," Boss replied. "I tell all mine. I can't put a lid on
secrets. Oh, I can tell you-" "That's nice, I know Panda built you a secret
storage room," I said because I knew he'd was going to tell me once again.
"How'd you know?" he asked. "You told me last week."
Oxnard was dogmatic about telling me what was in the box. Boss said if
Oxnard didn't show him what was inside, he would pound him. "O.K.," Oxnard
said. Once Boss looked in, he burst out laughing. "What?" I said. "Oxy's got
a vengeance on you!" Boss mocked. Oxnard have revenge on me? That's not fair!?
I then kept trying to get Boss to tell me what was in that box of Oxnard's.
"I can't tell you, Hamtaro. I vowed not to," Boss remarked. "Yeah, but you
said you couldn't keep a secret..." I said but paused and remembered that I
don't mention it otherwise he would make sure he didn't tell me.
"Hey, Boss," Oxnard said later. "Can I keep my box here?" "Sure, why not?"
he replied. That's what I'll do. I'll sneak in and hope Oxnard or Boss aren't
here and I'll look in the box. I went on with my business, pretending I hadn't
heard them talking to each other about the box. I really wanted to get closer
and hear them, but that was only a disaster waiting to happen.
That night after Laura fell asleep, I sneaked out of my carrier and landed
on Brandy when I went down the drainpipe. I didn't say anything, just in case I
didn't attract any attention. I crept to the tunnel and then to the clubhouse.
I went through the door and made sure Boss was asleep. He was surely asleep,
the door was closed. I looked around in the dark and realized the box was in
Boss's room. I say that was a nightmare waiting to haunt you.
I tried to sneak through the door, but it creaked a little, so I closed it
and took the pathway that Boss usually uses from his bedroom. I found it
quickly and went into his bedroom. It was all messed up that night. Nothing
was in the right order, not even Boss himself. He was standing up next to his
dresser fast asleep like I wanted to be. I looked and found the box. But Boss
was asleep on it.
I pulled the box out from under his paws and he stayed like the box was
still underneath them. Weird, I know. I was about to open the box when I
tripped over something. I kept on tripping over things and making a lot of
noise. I even stepped on a horn and he didn't wake up. "Whoa, Boss is another
Snoozer at night," I said out loud. "Who's there?!" Boss screamed. "Hamtaro!
So you're the guilty one!" "No! It's not what you think!" I screamed back.
"Oxnard's having a vengeance on me and I must know what it was!" "What's going
on?" I heard Oxnard say behind me. "Hamtaro's trying to look at your box, Oxy!"
Boss spilled the beans on me. "What?!" Oxnard exclaimed. "It's not what you
think! You have a vengeance on me!" I screeched. "Hamtaro! I thought you
would leave me alone about it!" Oxnard said. "I'm sorry, Oxnard," I said.
"Here's your box." Oxnard snatched it up and said, "I thought our friendship
was special!" "I'm sorry, but I just want to see what's
inside," I remarked. "Oh, this is starting to get like a midnight movie
madness," Boss said. "O.K., you can look if you want," Oxnard said. "Wow!" I
exclaimed. "Hot dog!"
I looked inside and it was just a string. "Ha, ha," I said. "I'm going."
"But pull the string and the secret compartment comes open and...an embarrassing
picture of you and Boss stuck in that hat at the New Year's party!" Oxnard said.
"What?! I thought you said it was only Hamtaro!" Boss exclaimed. "Uh, no."
I was kind of surprised because Boss and I wore paper bags over our heads
the next day. "I'm going to get Oxy," Boss said. "As soon as he leaves his box
here, I'll pound it into the ground."
Next day, Oxnard and I found the box in front of the clubhouse door pounded
into the ground. "Oh well, at least the photo's flat," he said. He lifted the
smashed lid and found that Boss had shredded the photo as well. Oxnard shrugged
and we went into the clubhouse. I said, "Heke?"

One day Kana was getting ready for school.

“Hey Oxnard, tomorrow is Dylan and Pepper’s 1st year anerversiry and it’s a
surprise party and your going too!” Kana said.

“Pepper’s gonna be happy to see me” Thought Oxnard.

~~~~~~~~~~~~At the clubhouse~~~~~~~~~

“I’M GONNA SEE PEPPER TOMORROW!” Oxnard yelled as he entered.

“Really?” asked Sandy. “She’s like so totally cool”

“And pretty” said Howdy trying to get Oxnard mad, and it worked


“Chill Oxy he’s just kidding!” Hamtaro said

“Wee/Oui.” Bijou replied.

~~~~~~~~~~~The next day~~~~~~~~~~~~

“Come on Oxnard time to wake up,” said Kana

Oxnard woke up and was let out of the cage and into a carrier.

“I’m coming Pepper!” Oxnard yelled
~~~~~~~~~~~~In the car~~~~~~~~~~~~~

“Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?” Oxnard repeated over and

“We’re here,” said Kana’s dad

“YAY!” Yelled Oxnard

Kana put Oxnard in the grass to find Pepper. When he did… what did Oxnard see?
Pepper kissing another hamster. This hurt Oxnard REALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLY bad.

“PEPPER!” Cried Oxnard. “What are you doing?!?”

“Huh? OH OXY! It’s not what you think!” She yelled.

“And who are you?” Oxnard asked the other boy.

“Sam” He replied.

I’ll have more next time sorry I don’t have it all now

Spat's Revenge By Me.
One Day Hamtaro&Bijou Was Walking to the Clubhouse.Harmony was back!She told
them that was back!!!!He wanted revenge!!!He wanted to meet them in Iraq.They
were worried.Harmony said shell look out for them.TThen they axepted the
request.They left the clubhouse.They traveled for days they came across a
wishing well.They wished for a mega fast magic carpet!POOF!!!wish granted!They
zoomed across
the sea.They zoomed to Iraq!They walked for days.They saw a castle!They walked
up into it.AND THERE WAS SPAT!!!!!!HE WAS READY FOR BATTTLE!!!A mystic ham came
out of nowhere gave Hamtaro a powerful sowrd!Spat got out an evil sord.They
fought until Hamtaro slashed his head off.The journy was over!The amazing
Hamtaro&Bijou Saved the world!!!
Spat's Revenge 2(The Wizard Ham) By Me!!!
One day Oxnard&Pepper was with Hamtaro&Bijou.They were having lot's of fun
together.All of the sudden a Wizard Ham Took hamtaro&Bijou And said"U will pay
for killing spat!!!"
Oxnard&Pepper Gasp-ped.They ran as fast as they could to the clubhouse.They told
Harmony.Harmony told them to go to the mountin at the other side of the park.So
they went to the mountin and Oxnard acccidently opened a secret passage.They
walked inside.The door slammed behind them.They crawled through rooms.They
finally found the last
room.In it had a big machine with Hamtaro&Bijou in it!!!"Since U killed Spat
I'll kill U by using U to take over the world!!!!Muhahahahahaha!!!!"What a
gasp-p!!!Oxnard&Pepper Had to find out what to do!!!!!!Oxnard came up with a
plan he would use The love soard Harmony Gave him to kill the ham
wizard!!!Pepper threw a rock at the ham wuzard!He was mad!!!!Then Oxnard Started
to have a soard fight while Pepper released Hamtaro&Bijou.They woke
up!!!!Hamtaro helped Oxnard Defeat the ham wizard!Then they destoried the
machine.They danced a happy dance.And walked back to the clubhouse.Hamtaro&Bijou
Took a nice nap!Oxnard&Pepper Had saved the world!!!!The End
Spat's Revenge 3(The Evil Robo Ham)
When Hamtaro&Bijou Woke up from their rest from being saved they went downstairs
to thank Oxnard and Pepper.Whenthey went down they saw Oxnard&Pepper
Crying.They asked why.Oxnard&Pepper said that a Mega-Q Robo ham kidnapped all of
the ham-hams!!!Gasp-p!!!!Ohno!!!What culd they do????!!!!WAIT!!!Yelled
Bijou.LOOK!!!Theres some tracks from it!!!!!!Let's Get our wepons and
seeds!!!!!They got backpacks and followed the trail.It took days.They ran out of
sunflowerseeds.The Tracks came to and end.There was a cave.Pepper Got her
flashlight out and then they entered.They came to 2 paths.Hamtaro and Bijou went
in the one at the right and Oxnard&Pepper went to the one at the
left.Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!Bijou And Hamtaro Screamed!!!And there was a laufing
sound.Oxnard and Pepper Gasped.Then they went on.They came to a dead end.The was
a hole.The fell in it!They woke up ontop of hamtaro and bijou.They Woke them
up.Whaen they saw a door they opened it.There was a Mega-Q Robo ham.They got out
their wepons and attacked.The robo ham excaped.They saw a dungon.They tack-Q It
down the ham hams were in it.They took them to the ham-ham club house.It
was a mystry.Who was the evil robo ham????To be continued.

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